Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Political Islam in Indonesia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political Islam in Indonesia - Research Paper Example the confrontational way of establishing Majlis Mujahedeen Indonesia (MMI) in Jakarta in August 2000. The establishment of MMI was basically a move forward assistance between ideologically ?likeminded groups of Indonesia such as front Pembela Islam and Hizb Ut Tahrir. The basic ?reason to take a step toward MMI was to help the people faced earthquake and then it worked to ?save Afghanistan from American attacks (Hilmy 131).? Majlis e Mujahedeen worked to stop American attacks in Afghanistan. This organization ?in coordination with other groups working for Islamic front including PAS and FPI, carried out ?manifestations against America and its associates who attacked Afghanistan in 2001( Krastev & ?McPherson, 2007). For future attacks they started proceeding for more explosive materials. â€Å"In ?the Indonesian mujahedeen group there also exists a group of fundamentalist campaigners that ?basically uses to serve as brainwave for the activities of religious militias and also works for the ?party as a JI recruiting agency. Various Mujahedeen’s and their leaders started finding new ways ?of attacking, and started doing research to use biological weapons for better results (Haseman 43). ? 2.? Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) Jemmah Islamiyah or Al-Jamat ul Islamia was established by Southeast Asian militia. It was ?founded on 1st January, 1993 and mostly called as JI. The Jemaah followed the teachings of ?Islamic Jihad as a fundamental approach to attain its goals (Barton 32). This Jemmah was ?formed for the protection of Muslims in Indonesia from American attacks. Militant groups of ?Indonesia even carried and used arms to protect its right to institute an Islamic state split from ?the new nation. There have been many struggles between Muslims and other religions, the ethnic ?groups during the development of Indonesia; however, not until the rise of Qaeda network and ?its global Islam ideology in the 1990’s, the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998 and the United ?States’ War on terror which began in 2001 (Rashwan 77). Basically campaigners belonging from Al-Qaeda and terrorist groups joined this Jemmah, ?resultantly, JI was pulled on several world terrorists lists .JI, however, may not actually be ?International terrorists organization (Surrette, 2009) but later it started bomb attacks in Indonesia ?in which a huge number of general population was killed. Jemmah Islamiyah serves as vital ?manuscript for understanding Southeast Asia’s most lethal terrorist groups. JI mostly trained ?young people for suicide bombing and target killing of the important dignitaries’ ?as well as vital ?assets of the country?. Another point of contention among the ranks of JI was the increasing ?numbers of Muslim civilians killed as the terrorist campaign of the Hambali-Azhari-Noordin top ?splinter outfit unfolded more and more JI members became uncomfortable with this faction’s ?chosen methods and their unintended consequences (Surre tte 13). ?3.? Laskar Jihad Thalib, an Indonesian who fought with Mujahedeens in Afghanistan, set up a group in 2000, ?named Laskar jihad. He was trained in Pakistan when he went there in 1980 to pursue further ?studies in an Islamic Mawdudi Institute situated in Lahore (Hasan 18). In 1999 clashes broke ?out in Malaku and north Malaku between Christians and Muslims of Indonesia. Thalib created ?this Jamat to control these movements. During this muddled changeover number of Muslim ?paramilitary groups like

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Internet in Our Lives Essay Example for Free

The Internet in Our Lives Essay The Internet has always made our lives easier and faster since it was invented. While some people think that the Internet is harmful or dangerous invention especially for children and teenagers, other people debates that the Internet now is functional, because they use it in the most their needs. This essay will discuss why the internet is a good invention and useful for humanity. There are many reasons why the internet should have more security. First of all, the internet provides an avenue for criminals to destroy the privacy of families. To illustrate, there are many criminals who are using to girls to get their own photos and then try to get money for avoiding spreading photos in the web sites. Secondly, pornographers which are web sites that include sexual materials, are easy to reach, because there is not enough censorship from the government on these web sites. Teenagers today are independent, because the try and search for the sexual materials. Finally, the internet now is providing the best place for thieves to create many ideas for stoling. For instance, phishing sites which buy and sell sites, fake bank sites. These sites are not censored and entirely similar to the original sites. However, if we look at the positive side of the internet, we find that the advantages are more than disadvantages. Thus, I feel that the internet is helpful in our lives for many reasons. Firstly, the internet is the best way to communicate with other people anywhere and anytime. For example, when a member of family studies abroad, the family can communicate with each other by many programs which are supported by the internet such as Skype and MSN. For this reason, the internet will be helpful for not feeling homesick, because the internet is the easier and cheaper than other ways of communicating. The other point is that the internet could be used in education. For instance, we can access our homework, listen to science lectures, and search for information about a particular topic. The internet makes our education easier; because can find information quickly. Searching for information from the library takes long time, while the internet simplifies that. Lastly, introducing our religion which is Islam using the internet, we can invite people to join Islam. People who join Islam earlier are always excited to invite other people on their country, so Islam will increase around the world. In summary, this essay illustrated the benefits and disadvantages of the internet. It illustrated that the advantages are more than the disadvantages. I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages and I feel that the internet has changed our lives positively since it was invented, because everything around the world is changed such as technology, but it should be more censored and security from the government.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Great Plague of Europe Essay -- Diseases/Disorders

The deadly rapidly progressing disease known as the Great Plague of Europe or what is often referred to as the Black Death that swept through the European population between 1347 and 1353 initially began in China. Throughout human discourse, all three forms of the infectious disease have played a devastating role in the epidemics that resulted in high death rates in 14th century Europe. The Black Death of Europe that occurred was the second of the three great waves to hit throughout history. The first plague broke out in the 6th century during the reign of the Byzantine under the Emperor Justinian, reaching his capital in Constantinople. The third great wave of the plague began in China’s Yunnan province in 1894, emerging in Hong Kong and then spread via shipping routes throughout the world. The plague reached the United States from a ship containing rodents carrying the plague from Hong Kong that docked at Hawaii, where the plague broke out in December 1899, and then San Fran cisco, whose plague epidemic began in the early 1900’s. A team of medical geneticists led by Mark Achtman of University College Cork in Ireland conclude that all three of the great waves of plague originated from China (Wade, 2010). The empirical evidence from their findings points out that the plague would have reached Europe across the Silk Road. Although there were three great waves of plague, the Great Plague of Europe in the 14th century was the most devastating, violent, and most viral out of the three waves. The main cause of the Great Plague of Europe came from a deadly bacterium known as Yersinia Pestis. A smear of the bubonic plague is evades the human body and concentrates itself in the lymph node. A plague patient’s blood profile would contain or... ...Diseases, 49(10), i. 4. The Black Death, 1348," EyeWitness to History, (2001). 5. "The black death: a plague that brought change to Europe." Calliope May-June 2011: 42+. General OneFile. Web. 8 May 2012. Document URL 6. "The Black Death." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2012. 7. â€Å"The Black Death Begins.† 2012. The History Channel website. May 19 2012, 9:58 8. Wade, Nicholus. Europe’s Plagues Came From China, Study Finds. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Service Container C#

Service Container Presented by: Anton Cherkasov Service Providers  §Services are the basic building blocks of the . NET design-time architecture. They help to expose access to specific features from external objects.  §Designers and components can obtain other services through the use of service providers. A. NET service provider is represented by the System. IServiceProvider interface. The interface  provides a mechanism for retrieving a specific service object, given the type of object to retrieve.Here is the only member of this interface: object  GetService(Type  serviceType) This method, when overridden, will return an object that represents the specified service type. If the service provider cannot return an object of the specified type, then callers should expect the return value to be null. IServiceContainer Interface  §A service container allows for services to be added and removed to it. Therefore, external objects can have more control over what a service provid er exposes.A service container is actually a service provider. The interface that represents a service container is System. IServiceContainer, which is derived from IServiceProvider, as shown: public interface IServiceContainer : IServiceProvider IServiceContainer Interface Methods  §Here are the two methods of this interface: AddService: This method adds the specified service to the service container. This method has four overloads. void AddService(Type serviceType, object service); oid AddService(Type serviceType, ServiceCreatorCallback callback); void AddService(Type serviceType, object service, bool promote); void AddService(Type serviceType, ServiceCreatorCallback callback, bool promote); RemoveService: This method removes the specified service from the service container. This method has two overloads. void  RemoveService(Type  serviceType); void  RemoveService(Type  serviceType, bool  promote); ServiceContainer Class  §The . NET Framework comes with a class that is already derived from IServiceContainer to be used with the designer framework.This class is: System. ComponentModel. Design. ServiceContainer  §This class has two constructor overloads: the default constructor, and one that takes a parent service provider as a parameter. This class uses a Hashtable to store the available services. It stores both service instances and service callbacks into this table for retrieval. How does it work? Pros  §The combination of services, providers, and service containers form a simple design pattern that gives a lot of advantages. For example: creates weak binding between client components and the services they use; – creates a simple repository and service discovery mechanism that allows easily scale the application (or part thereof). – allows for lazy loading of services, there is a method AddService overload, creating services, when they ask for the first time; – is an alternative to static classes; – supports prog ramming, based on contracts; – applicable to implement the service-factory; – suitable to create an architecture that supports plug-ins. Questions?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Effect of social media on Family time Essay

As human beings we need to socialise and communicate with others. Of all the relations that we have in life, the most precious and strong are the ones with our families. Many a times during adversities when the closest of friends may leave us, our families – parents, siblings, spouses, children etc. are those who stand by us, giving all the support that we need. With the passing of time and evolving of technology, social media has creeped into our lives as an integral part. Having both good and bad sides, I think social media on our family time effects in connecting family members that are far away, creating distance among close family members and breaking of relationships. Connecting with family, relatives or even friends that live abroad is one of the greatest ways social media helps keep the bonds alive. In the past when a child would go abroad to study or when any family member would travel for a certain purpose, their family behind could only hope to hear from them via ha ndwritten letters. Thereafter came about telephone calls and then came e-mails. Now in this era, with people posting about their daily activities on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, the families or parents are well updated regarding their loved ones. Many lost childhood friends are easily found and reconnected. Moreover a growing number of married couples are seen to have found each other on some form of social networking sites. Serving well in its purpose of connecting people, social media does also cause distancing of those who are close to us. Too much of anything is bad. Balanced amount of time given in social networking can be good but when we spend hours after hours on it, we often see ourselves distancing from direct family. How often it is seen that a teenager or young adult remains busy on his or her phone completely ignoring their parents or siblings or having minimal conversations with them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

BookBaby Review Read This First (+ Promo Codes!)

BookBaby Review Read This First (+ Promo Codes!) BookBaby Review: Read This First (Plus Promo Codes!) If you’re planning to self-publish a book, you probably already know all the biggest names in the game: KDP, IngramSpark, Lulu, and of course, BookBaby. You can read about the pros and cons of each of these companies in the posts linked above, but this review will focus exclusively on the latter. We’ll first cover what BookBaby is and how to use it, then lead into the relative merits - and potential stumbling blocks - of using it to self-publish your book. BookBaby review: what you need to know in 2019 What is BookBaby?BookBaby is a platform for self-publishing authors that includes editing, design, and marketing services, as well as distribution packages for both ebooks and print books. Over the past couple years, it’s become one of the most high-profile print-on-demand (POD) companies for authors, and continues to be a popular choice in 2019.Five fast facts about BookBaby:Founded in 2011 in Portland, Oregon ☔President and CEO is Steven Spatz, who’s written two books on publishing ðŸ“â€"Approximately 8,000 users in 2018 (though not all have published a book) 👠ªDistributes through Amazon, Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes Noble, and other major retailers in over 170 countries ðŸÅ'ŽHosts an annual Independent Authors Conference in Philadelphia, with workshops and panels from industry experts âÅ" Packages and servicesBookBaby offers a number of packages and individual services for self-publishing authors. We’ll break down the main ones for you here , but you can check out the full list on their website.â€Å"The Complete Self-Publishing Package† - $1,699BookBaby’s most popular package, according to the site. The Complete Self-Publishing Package includes cover design and formatting, ebook conversion, 25 print books, an ISBN number, worldwide distribution, a professional Facebook ad campaign, and a listing in the BookBaby online store (which allows you to sell directly to readers). Note that editing services are not included, however - nor any kind of discount if you wish to print more than 25 books, which is a serious drawback for authors printing in bulk.Printed Book Distribution - $299 + cost of bulk printing orderAlready have your manuscript and cover prepared? Then you’ll want to go with the printed book distribution package, which uses BookBaby’s POD service. This allows you to choose from various aesthetic options, order high-quality print copies, and sell your book all over the world.But ke ep in mind that the $299 charge is on top of your actual print order. For reference, 100 copies of a 300-page book will set you back $861 (and that’s without shipping!). Add the POD fee and your total comes to $1,160 for this particular package.So what does that $299 fetch you? The answer is distribution: again, BookBaby has an extensive distribution network, which includes every major retailer in the world. That said, you can get more bang for your buck from other POD services - like IngramSpark, which cuts out the distribution â€Å"middleman† that makes other platforms' fee so high. Basically, if you want to sell a large quantity of books, make sure you know your options.Ebook Conversion and Distribution - $249Alternatively, if you don’t want to print any books, you can opt for the ebook conversion and distribution package instead. Though BookBaby plays up its file conversion service and quality checks by â€Å"content conversion specialists,† youâ⠂¬â„¢re mainly paying for the distribution once again: as with the print package, your ebook will be sold in 60+ stores in over 170 countries.Copy and Line Editing - $7-10 per pageNow let’s talk individual services. For copy editing, BookBaby charges $7/page, while line editing is $10/page. Putting that in perspective, a copy edit for a 300-page book would be $2,100, and a line edit would be $3,000 - slightly higher than the average Reedsy estimates. Their site does promise rapid turnaround times at these prices: 8-10 business days for a full line edit, and just 6-8 days for a line edit. However, keep in mind that speed doesn’t necessarily beget quality, especially when it comes to editing.Book Cover Design - $399-549BookBaby also touts its cover design services, which come in two modes: â€Å"Basic† and â€Å"Deluxe.† The Basic design package costs $399 and includes, well, a basic cover design - a single, central image with fairly standard text. The Deluxe package, on the other hand, involves more sophisticated imagery and text for the higher price of $549. You can see the difference between the Basic and Deluxe options in the images below. So what’s the bottom line?BookBaby is a good option for authors who:  Want an easy-to-use interface and a bit of hand-holding through the process;Don’t mind paying a high price for bulk orders + distribution; and/orOnly want to print a small quantity of books.BookBaby is not a good option for authors who:Plan to print and distribute more than 25 books;Want to self-publish and distribute an ebook; and/orRequire additional services such as editing, typesetting, marketing, etc. - you can find a better deal elsewhere.BookBaby promo codesBookBaby might be tough on your wallet, but if you’re sold on their POD service, then you’re in luck! Here are two promo codes you can use to save on bulk orders, PLUS a coupon for free shipping. However you choose to publish, we hope the final product looks fantastic. 💠¯Enter the code SAVE100 at checkout to save $100 on 100 books or more.Enter the code PUBLISH100 at checkout to save $500 on 500 books or more.Finally, enter the code FREESHIPBB for free shipping on 25 books or more.Got any more questions about BookBaby? Feel free to leave them in the comments!

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Color Purple paper essays

The Color Purple paper essays The brilliant author Benjamin Lee Whorf once stated, Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about. Language is an essential implement of communication and expression, which gives a character a certain identity. In The Color Purple by Alice Walker, the development of Celie s character is defined through her language. Celies altering point of view, informal diction, and change in tone reveal her lack of education, and the confidence, maturity, independence, and contentment that she gains, despite the persistent oppression existing in her everyday life. Celies altering point of view demonstrates the transformation of her character throughout the novel. Celie writes in the first-person in epistolary letters, which she initially addresses to God. Her stepfather, Alphonso, forbids her to mention that he raped her to anyone. You better not never tell nobody but God. Itd kill your mammy(1). She is ashamed of who she is, and there is no one who will be able listen to her except for God. Celie hopes God will give her the answers she needs to know about her life. I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me (1). Living in a patriarchal society, Celie initially sees God as big and old and tall and gray bearded and white. He wears white robes and go barefooted (201). Celie is only able to express her loneliness and oppression by writing to God. After writing many letters to God, Celie feels that He doesnt listen to her prayers. Celie explains to Shug why she stops writing letters to God. Anyhow, I say, the God I been praying and writing to is a man. And act just like all the other mens I know. Trifling, forgitful, and lowdown (199). Her point of view shifts in that she no longer feels any comfort in God. Because God ignores Celie, just like every other m...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History and Development of Inline Skating

The History and Development of Inline Skating There are historic ice skating relics that date back as far as 3000 B.C. But,  inline roller skates probably originated much later in Scandinavia or Northern Europe where ice skating was an easy way to travel short distances. By the early 17th century,  these early Dutch  called themselves skeelers  and skated on frozen canals in the winter. They eventually used a primitive form of roller skate, made by attaching wooden spools to a platform to allow similar travel in warmer weather. The first officially documented inline skate actually appeared in London in 1760. The progression from transportation to a substitute for on stage ice skating, to recreational skating, to fitness skating and eventually to inline competitive sports has been closely linked to the development of inline skate technology. Lets follow the developments and technological improvements that have been made to the original inline skates that lead to the comfortable and sometimes highly specialized equipment used by inline skaters today. The  National Museum of Roller Skating  was the source for many  of the historical facts in this article. 1743 The first documented reference to inline or roller skating was left by a London stage performer. The inventor of these skates, which were probably an inline design, is unknown and is lost in history. 1760 The first known inventor of an inline roller skate was John Joseph Merlin. Merlin was born on September 17, 1735, in Huys, Belgium. He grew up to become a musical instrument maker and accomplished mechanical inventor. One of his inventions was a pair of skates with a single line of small metal wheels. He wore the skates as a publicity stunt to promote his museum, and from the beginning, stopping was a problem. It is believed that one of his ballroom stunts ended in a dramatic crash into a mirrored wall because of this defect. For the next century, roller skate wheels followed the inline design alignment. 1789 The inline skate idea made its way to France in 1789 with Lodewijik Maximilian Van Lede and his skate that he called the patin a terre which translates from French to â€Å"land skates† or earth skates. Van Ledes skates consisted of an iron plate with wooden wheels attached. He was a sculptor at the Academy Bruges in Paris and was considered as very eccentric. In 1819 the first inline skate was patented and inlines remained until 1863 when skates with two  axles  were developed. These quad skates allowed more control and their popularity spread quickly in North America and Europe. The four-wheeled quad skate quickly dominated the skate manufacturing industry. Some companies continued to design skates using wheels in a line, but they were not taken seriously. 1818 In Berlin, Germany, inline roller skates were used in a ballet for ice skating moves when it was impossible have ice on a stage. The ballet called Der Maler oder die Wintervergn Ugungen: â€Å"The Artist or Winter Pleasures†. Ice skating was one of the winter pleasures simulated by roller skaters. No one knows what kind of skates were used. 1819 The Petitbled, the first roller skate patented, was an inline. This patent was issued in Paris, France, in 1819. M. Petitbleds invention had three inline wheels which were either wood, metal or ivory. He thought his inline skate would allow a skater to simulate ice skating moves, but the wheel construction did not allow it, and the wheels kept slipping on hard surfaces. 1823 Robert John Tyers, a London ice skater, patented a skate called the Rolito with five wheels in a single row on the bottom of a boot. The center wheels were larger than the wheels on either end of the frame to allow a skater to maneuver by shifting his weight, but the Rolito could not follow a curved path like inline skates today. 1828 Another roller skate patent was issued in Austria in 1828 to August Lohner, a Viennese clockmaker. Until then, all designs had been for inline skates, but this version was like a tricycle, with two wheels in back and one in front. He also added a ratchet to prevent the skate from rolling backward. In France, Jean Garcin got a patent for the Cingar. The name was created by reversing the syllables of his last name. The Cingar was an inline skate with three wheels. Garcin opened a skating rink, taught skating and even wrote a book called  Le Vrai Patineur  (The True Skater). Garcin had to close his rink because of the number of  skating injuries  to patrons. 1840 Monsieur and Madame Dumas, professional dancers, led a performance of fancy roller skating at Paris’s Port Saint Martin Theatre in 1840. The Corse Halle Tavern, near Berlin, featured barmaids who served the patrons on roller skates. This was needed due to the large size of beer halls in Germany at this time. 1849 The first successful use of a skate with wheels in a line was recorded in 1849 by Louis Legrange, who built them to simulate ice skating in the French Opera, Le Prophete.  These skates had major  problems because the skaters who used them could not maneuver  or stop.   1852 English J. Gidman applied for a patent for roller skates equipped with ball bearings. He had to wait 30 years to see them in use on skates. 1857 Public roller skating rinks opened in the Floral Hall and in the Strand of London. 1859 The Woodward skate was invented in London in 1859 with four vulcanized rubber wheels on each frame for better traction than iron wheels on a wooden floor. Like the Rolito, these skates had middle wheels that were bigger than the end wheels to make it easier to turn, but this did not fix maneuvering problems. This skate was used by Jackson Haines, the founder of modern figure skating, for exhibitions. 1860 Reuben Shaler, an inventor from Madison, Connecticut, developed a skate designed to solve the maneuverability problem. Shaler patented a Parlor Skate, the first roller skate patent issued by the U.S. Patent Office. This skate had four wheels attached by pins to a hanger which resembled todays inline frames. They offered a rubber or leather ring on the wheels to allow them to grip the skating surface. These inline skates never caught on. 1863 James Plimpton initiated  quad roller skate history. When he invented quad skates, they provided greater control than the inline models and were much easier to use. Plimpton put one pair of wheels in front and another in back. He put the wheels on pivots, so they could turn independently of the frame and inserted rubber cushions, so skaters could lean in the direction of their turns. 1866 The first Plimpton skates clamped on to the shoe, but improved designs used straps with buckles instead. Plimpton installed a skating floor in his furniture business in New York, leased skates to customers, founded the New York’s Roller Skating Association, introduced skating proficiency tests, operated roller rinks in the Northeast, and traveled to give lessons. Four years later, the proficiency test medals were being given out in 20 countries where Plimpton skates were used. 1867 Jean Garcin’s Cingar skate had a brief revival at the 1867 Exposition Universelle in Paris. But, eventually all inline roller skates became obsolete after Plimpton’s â€Å"quad† skate became popular. 1876 William Bown patented a design for roller skates wheels in Birmingham, England. Bown’s design made an effort to keep the two bearing surfaces of an axle, fixed and moving, apart. A toe stop design that helped skaters stop rolling by tipping the skate down at the toe  was patented. Toe stops are still used today on inline figure skates and on most quad skates. 1877 Bown worked closely with Joseph Henry Hughes, who patented the elements of an adjustable ball or roller bearing system similar to the system used in today’s skate and skateboard wheels. 1884 Levant M. Richardson secured a patent to use steel ball bearings in skate wheels to reduce friction, and allow skaters to increase the speed with minimum effort. The invention of pin ball-bearing wheels allowed skates to roll with ease and made skating shoes weigh less. 1892 Walter Nielson of New York got the patent for a â€Å"Combined Ice and Roller Skate.† His 14-wheel skates had a patent inscription that suggested that â€Å"a pad of rubber, leather, or like material should be placed ... so that when the skater desires to stop, it is only necessary to press the pad ... against the floor or ground.† This suggestion for stopping pads was ahead of its time. 1884 Levant M. Richardson  gets a patent  for steel  ball bearings  in skate wheels. These bearings reduce friction, so skaters can go faster with less effort. 1898 In 1898, Levant Richardson started the Richardson Ball Bearing and Skate Company, which provided skates to most professional skate racers of the time. The end of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century marked the appearance of cycles-skates with structures similar to modern skates online. They were invented in response to a need to skate on all types of surfaces and were the first step in the development of all-terrain skates using rubber wheels or tires. Later in the century, modern inlines emerged. 1900 The Peck Snyder Company patents an inline skate with two wheels in 1900. 1902 Over 7,000 people attended opening night at the Coliseum public skating rink in Chicago. 1905 John Jay Young of New York City creates and patents an adjustable length, clamp-on inline skate. 1910 The Roller Hockey Skate Company designs a three-wheeled inline skate with a leather shoe and the rear wheel raised to allow the skater to pivot on the center wheel. This inline was made for roller hockey by the Roller Hockey Skate Company of New York City in 1910 with boots from the Brooks Athletic Shoe Company. 1930s The Best-Ever Built Skate Company manufactures an inline skate with three wheels positioned close to the ground. The original patents for Jet inline skates for ice cross-training were filed in the 1930s. An advertisement for them was published in a 1948 issue of Popular Mechanics. 1938 Christian Siffert, of Deerfield, Illinois, patents a design for an inexpensive inline skate, which could not only be used on sidewalks but also convert to sharp-edged wheels, on ice. The Jet Skate, the ad claims, is the only skate with brakes to stop quick. This claim was probably false since at that time several brakes had been invented and patented for roller skates. The Jet Skate brake looked a lot like todays heel brakes and was designed to be used the same way. Brakes have always been a design problem for skate manufacturers. 1941 Modern inline skates begin to appear in the Netherlands. 1953 The first U.S. patent for modern inline skates, created to behave like ice runners with individually sprung and cushioned wheels, was granted under patent number US 2644692 in July 1953 to Ernest Kahlert of Santa Ana, CA.  They appeared in the April 1950 issue of Popular Mechanics and in the April 1954 issue of Popular Science. An inline skate with 2 round, artificial rubber wheels, and no brake was developed by Rocker Skate Company in Burbank, California. It was advertised in â€Å"Popular Science† in the November 1953 issue and in â€Å"Popular Mechanics† in the February 1954 issue. The ads described them as quiet, fast and good for stops and turning. 1960 The Chicago Skate Company tries to market an inline skate similar to todays equipment, but it was shaky, uncomfortable and the brakes were not dependable. A USSR inline skate was made in 1960 with 4 wheels and a toe stop. It appeared to have solid construction and is similar to some of the current inline figure skates with wheel-shaped, front-mounted toe stops. 1962 A heavy-looking inline skate called the Euba-Swingo was manufactured by the Euba company in Germany. This skate was available permanently mounted to a boot or as a clamp-on skate. Euba-Swingo skates were rockered, had a front-mounted toe-stop and were used for dry-land figure skating training. Inline skates also made an appearance in the Russian movie КÐ ¾Ã'€Ð ¾Ã »Ã µÃ ²Ã ° Ð ±Ã µÃ ½Ã ·Ã ¾Ã ºÃ ¾Ã »Ã ¾Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¸ (1962) at about 9m23s into the film.   1964 An advertisement in a magazine shows BiSkates, another inline skate intended as an alternative for ice training. 1966 The Chicago Roller Skate Company manufactures their inline skate with a boot. The inline skate which influenced Scott Olson was a 1966 Chicago Roller Skate Company skate. These skates featured four wheels in a line with the front and back wheel extending beyond the boot like an ice skate blade, and they played an important part in the development of inline skating.In Germany, Friedrich Mayer obtained a patent for his inline skate. No one was interested at the time, because of the popularity of quad roller skates, featuring two wheels per axle, a canvas shoe and a stopper in the front.In England, the Tri-Skate developed, a skate with three wheels, high leather shoes and a stopper in front, and according to Dutch articles on this topic, as many as 100,000 pairs of inline skates (not necessarily all Tri-Skates) were sold in Holland and neighboring countries. This happened before the development of  RollerBlade  and should be considered a great success. The details of Tri-Skate origi ns are uncertain. The design is either American or Dutch, the frames were made in England by Yaxon (a toy producer) and the figure boots were made in Italy. This means that the skates were sold in those countries, too. 1972 In 1972,  Mountain Dew attempted to sell  Mettoys  Skeeler in Canada. This  three-wheeled inline skate  was developed for Russian hockey players and speed skaters. The Skeelers, another name for skating or skater,  were early versions of today’s inline skates and were produced in adult and childrens  sizes. Celebrities who tried them as publicity stunts included  dancer Lionel Blair and runner Derek Ibbotson, who had set a world record for the mile in 1957. 1978 Speedys, a product of SKF, were an inline skate that featured soft boots, a frame, and four wheels. Unfortunately, the late 70s market was not ready for inline sports and the production was discontinued. 1979 Scott and Brennan Olson, brothers and hockey players from Minneapolis, Minnesota, find a pair of Chicago inline roller skates and begin redesigning them using modern materials. They add polyurethane wheels, attach the frames to ice hockey boots, and add a rubber toe-brake to the new design. The modifications were intended for ice hockey training when ice is not available. After over 200 years of trial and error, inline skating is ready to emerge. 1980 Scott and Brennan Olson established Oles Innovative Sports which became  Rollerblade, Inc.  after selling inline skates with no brake at all to the hockey players who were the early adopters. The Olson brothers introduced a new skating phenomenon that has never been equaled in roller sports history. The proper term to use when describing this skating is inline roller skating or inline skating, but Rollerblade made such an impact that the name has become synonymous with the sport in spite of the fact that Rollerblade is an inline skate manufacturer. The modern style of inline speed skates was developed as an ice skate substitute and used by a Russian athlete training on dry land for his Olympic long track speed skating events. A photo of American skater Eric Heiden using Olsons skates to train for the 1980 Olympics on a road in Wisconsin was published in  Life magazine. The Olson brothers adopted and adapted the Chicago inline design over the years, and caused a public attraction to roller skating that has been hard to match in the sport’s history. The name Rollerblade has become inline skating to most people, overshadowing many other inline skate manufacturers and leaving out a lot of the previous history of roller and inline roller skating. 1982 In 1982, Scott Olson adds the toe stop to his inline skate but found that it didnt work well. 1984 In 1984, Scott Olson adds a heel brake to help beginners get over the fear of being unable to stop. Minneapolis businessman Bob Naegele, Jr. purchased Olsons company, and it eventually became Rollerblade, Inc. This was not the first company to manufacture inline skates, but Rollerblade expanded inline skating to include more than just hockey players by offering comfortable skates with dependable, easy-to-use brakes. This introduced millions to inline skating sports. 1986 Rollerblade, Inc., begins to market skates as fitness and recreational equipment. 1989 Rollerblade, Inc. produced the Macro and Aeroblades models, the first skates fastened with three buckles instead of long laces that needed threading. 1990 Rollerblade, Inc. switched to a glass-reinforced thermoplastic resin (durethan polyamide) for their skates, replacing the polyurethane compounds that were previously used. This decreased the average weight of skates by nearly fifty percent. In 1990, inline skate developers once again turned to efforts to find designs and materials that would allow skaters to simulate more of the ice and quad roller figure and dance skating maneuvers. Roller skaters discovered the competitive advantages of inline skates, especially increased speed. Skate designers also began to explore wheel sizes and frame alignment. However, the majority of the development during this decade was intended for ice hockey and ice speed cross-training for skaters 1993 Rollerblade, Inc. developed the  ABT  or  Active Brake Technology. A fiberglass post was attached at one end to the top of the boot and at the other end to a rubber-brake and hinged to the chassis at the back wheel. The skater had to straighten one leg to stop, driving the post into the brake, which then hit the ground. Skaters had already been tilting their foot back to make contact with the ground, before ABT, so this new brake design improved safety. Pat McHale secures the United States and European patents for  a multi-purpose inline skate in 1993. This skate design features offset inline wheels that create an inside-outside edge with lateral stability for control of edges that are similar to ice blades. In 1993, two other inventors, Bert Lovitt, and Warren Winslow work together to invent an all-terrain skate that uses 2 angled wheels. 1995 The Italian firm Risport introduced the 3-wheeled â€Å"Galaxie† figure frame and an entry-level cheap 3-wheels inline figure skate all-plastic: â€Å"Kiria† in white and â€Å"Aries† in black. Another model with a metal frame and plastic boot was called â€Å"Vega†. All of these inline skates were designed with toe stops. Risport also discovered that a flat 3-wheeled frame can behave as a rockered frame just by using a much harder wheel in the center, thus splitting unevenly the skater’s weight among them. Sporting goods company K2, Inc. comes up with a soft boot design which in most aspects of the sport (except Aggressive Skating) has become the most common design. This company also heavily promotes the soft boot design for fitness. By 2000, most skate manufacturers followed suit, although the hard boot is still preferred by aggressive skaters. Diederik Hol sees a bulletin board announcement that Dutch manufacturer offers a six-month research training into designing a clap skate. He saw an opportunity to develop something with the potential of setting new world records, and he used the project as a springboard for his career in design engineering. He graduated having worked on the Rotrax skate, a multiple-hinge frame that ensures a more powerful push-off and thus higher speed. John Petell, President of Harmony Sports Inc., contacts Nick Perna, a PSA master rated coach, to test a retrofit product they called the PIC. The PIC ® device attached to conventional inline skates to enable figure skaters to perform figure skating moves requiring a toe pick that was not otherwise possible on conventional inline skates. A French inventor named Jean-Yves Blondeau gets a patent for his 31-wheeled Rollerman suit (also known as the Wheel Suit or Buggy Rollin) in 1995. This suit is designed with wheels that are very similar to inline skate wheels carefully placed on most of the major joints of the body, on the torso and even on the back. 1997 Inline skates and skating accessories become a billion-dollar international industry, with nearly 26 million Americans participating. Lovitt Winslow file their first Patent Application for their all-terrain skate invention with 2 angled wheels. 1998 The collaboration between Nick Perna and John Petell results in the development of a  rockered  inline figure skate frame.  The final patent for the PIC skate was published on April 14, 1998. A total of  23 claims were granted by the patent examiner, but the key element to the PICand other similar skates is the toe pic angle which closely mirrors the pick angle on ice skates.  The jagged metal toe picks on ice skates are used to spike jumps  and assist footwork, and this inline skate has the same capabilities via the patented PIC.   The Rollerblade Coyote  skate was introduced in 1997 as the first true off-road skate in the industry. The air-filled tires were designed for shock absorption, traction, and terrain versatility. 1999 Lovitt Winslow incorporate the new LandRoller company to manufacture and market their new skates with angled wheels. Sportsline International offers Diederik Hol a chance to design a whole new product line of skates. After less than a year of dedicated thinking and drawing concepts, he designed what is now known as the Mogema Dual Box. 2000 Inline figure skating develops as an off-ice training tool for ice skaters and emerges as a competitive event in roller sports. Some manufacturers, like Triax/Snyder, respond by providing equipment options needed for figure skating. 2002 In November of 2002, after the first World Inline Figure Skating Championships in Germany, the coach of Chien-Hao Wang visits Arthur Lee to discuss damage to Wangs inline skates and request the development of a better inline figure skating frame. Three years after he made his first sketch, Diederik Hol convinces the Rollerblade World Team and others to use Mogemas at the World Inline Championships in France. 45 skaters won their gold, silver, and bronze medals on Mogemas. 2003 The prototype for Arthur Lees Snow White  Inline is complete. 2004 Snow White sponsors two Taiwanese skaters, Chia-Hsiang Yang and Chia-Ling Hsin, for the 2004 World inline Championships in Fresno, CA. Kadu, coach of  Gustavo Casado Melo  and Adrian Baturin, and Ms. Yasaman Hejazi, coach of the Iran Inline Figure Skating Federation, are among the first coaches to use Snow White frames. 2005 LandRollers  Angled Wheel Technology  breaks away from traditional inline designs with two large, side-mounted, out-of-line angled wheels that roll astride the centerline of the boot and maintain a low center of gravity. 2006 Wheel Anti-Reversing Technology was developed by Bruce Honaker to help new inline skaters by allowing them to keep both skates on the ground, and parallel to each other. This creates comfort and stability as momentum is gained. Fear of rolling backward on inclines is also eliminated. The device may be removed after skating skills develop. 2013 Brian Green and the  Cardiff Skate Company  offer an adjustable skate with a unique three-wheel configuration and braking system that is promoted as being more stable and more convenient than any other skate on the market. Flex Brake,  Ben Wilsons lightweight braking system  designed to fit most inline speed skates or fitness skates, Alex Bellehumeurs  DXS  Inline Skating Disk Brake  system  and  Gravity Master  calf activated  brakes from  Craig Ellis revive interest  in inline skate stopping technology.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case study discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Case study discussion - Essay Example Administrators face quite a number of moral challenges such as having to use the same curriculum as that set for regular students to teach the disabled who do have a small functioning level. From these it is clear that the decision of whether a disabled student should take the regular statewide test or the alternative assessment tests should be left to the administrator but not to the IEP team who do not consider the capability of disabled students. Judging from the case study Jamaica was severed in his least restrictive environment. It is clear since he could not change to better behaviors when he was offered a chance to prove himself. He was not gifted to surmount his emotional disturbance, but he was rather controlled by it leading to his state of special education. The fact that his relation with other students was not real disqualifies him from been in a typical high school to avoid him from harassing other students repeatedly. Jamaicas act of quitting school only proves that he was not ready to go to an ordinary high school since if he could not improve compared to when in a well-monitored situation. He would even perform desperately under no close supervision. Thus, it would only fasten his act of quitting

Applying Ethics in Investments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Applying Ethics in Investments - Essay Example mmendation 26 4.1 Conclusion 26 4.1 Recommendation 27 Reference 28 Appendix 1 31 Wright Quality Ratings 31 Appendix B: Company Operations Information 32 Mayne Pharma Group Limited 32 Singapore Telecommunications (SGT) 32 Renaissance Uranium (RNU) 33 List of Tables Table 1: Environmental qualification criteria employed for screening of companies for investment 17 Table 2: Evaluation of environmental credentials 19 Table 3: Evaluation of Corporate Governance Credentials 21 Table 4: Evaluation on the basis of contextual factors 22 Table 5: Evaluation on the basis of financial performance and prospects 25 Tables of Figures Figure 1: Adapted form source: Morningstar, 2011. Equity Research Methodology. [Online] Morningstar (January 27, 2011) Available at: [Accessed 14 September 2011]. 12 Figure 2: Research process adopted for the study 14 Figure 3: Sub-factors considered under factor financial performance and prospects 27 Section 1: Executive Summary This study was undertaken to choose the most worthy company among three companies namely, Mayne Pharma Limited, Singapore Telecommunications, Renaissance Uranium, with the aim to invest $500,000 on a long-term basis. Four main criteria were considered to evaluate the companies’ performance. These were (1) financial performance and prospects, (2) corporate governance performance, (3) environmental protection credentials, (4) Contextual factors (e.g. legal/political issues, global or regional economic pressures, etc.). An extensive review of existing literatures on the subject was undertaken to identify suitable comparison variables on the basis of which the companies were to be evaluated. A total of 24 sub-criteria criteria were listed under the financial... Four main criteria were considered to evaluate the companies’ performance. These were (1) financial performance and prospects, (2) corporate governance performance, (3) environmental protection credentials, (4) Contextual factors (e.g. legal/political issues, global or regional economic pressures, etc.). An extensive review of existing literatures on the subject was undertaken to identify suitable comparison variables on the basis of which the companies were to be evaluated. A total of 24 sub-criteria criteria were listed under the financial performance and prospects; twelve sub-criteria were identified under corporate governance; seven sub-criteria under environmental protection; while the contextual factors consisted four sub-criteria. On the basis of the four criteria and the variables contained in the sub-criteria, a scoring method was developed and the companies’ performance was compared. The findings revealed that Singapore Telecommunications is most worthy compan y. Accordingly, the company was recommended for long-term investment. As Beal et al (2005) brought out in their paper Why do we invest ethically? Over the last two decades, one particular type of behaviour is the desire to invest ethically† (Beal et al., 2005). The authors add that â€Å"based on traditional finance theory and the ethical investment literature, there are three potential reasons why people may invest some or all of their funds ethically: (1) for superior financial returns; (2) for non-wealth returns; and (3) to contribute to social change (Beal et al., 2005). These motivations also inspired this report and prompted that investing should not only be made for shareholders’ wealth maximisation but also for sustainable development.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Emotions in Romantic Relationships Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emotions in Romantic Relationships - Article Example The abstract written for this article is very comprehensive and provide a good idea about the article in a brief. Literature review in an article helps in understanding the strength of the work carried out in the current research and the level of expertise of the authors. Literature review also helps in refreshing and updating the knowledge of the readers on the topic in debate. While presenting any work carried out on the topic by the time researcher presents his/her research work should be unbiased. The authors should bring in the account all the positive and negative; supporting and opposing pieces of evidence. The writers have tried very hard to address important aspects of literature view. In this regard, the authors address all the related issues in sizable volume with greater understanding. They have discussed various attachment strategies at almost all levels and provided the existing evidence which analyzed these strategies from all aspects. The have discussed positive and negative partner behaviors as well as longitudinal developmental perspective to support their rationale. Under the current study section, the subjects is so much elaborated that the authors included some of the items which should come under methodology sections, like: measurement approach, and measurement at various age levels, placed under this section. In the methodology section, a detailed account is provided regarding the who... stage, why these proportions of ethnic representation enrolled, were there any inclusion criteria If some participants were removed, were there any exclusion criteria These criteria are very important for selecting the participants without any bias. In this section, the authors provided some of the findings of the current study: in strict sense these should go to the result section as these findings belong to the same study. Otherwise, in a very comprehensive way, the authors describe methodology. They focus all the outcome variables. Various emotional variables at different age levels have been described. In fact, they have tried their best to include all the important areas on which data were collected and analyses carried out. Literature review also moves the debate in the direction developing a well-built rationale for the research work which he / she wants to present. Researchers have addressed the issue of building a strong rationale very well. Next to rational, objectives of any research activity play an integral role. In fact, objectives are the sole reason for conducting any research work. At times objectives are developed by the researcher but their presentation may not be appropriate. A good objective should be a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) one ( The authors of this article have not been able to describe the objectives properly and clearly. A single sentence with very hard and heavy language has been inserted in the section on introduction; rather it should have been presented visibly with simple and understandable language. Data management is a group of activities conducted right from the time of the data collection

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 43

Case study - Essay Example The management of Levendary believes that for any business to prosper, customer satisfaction must be a primary focus. Location of business outlets contributes massively to the success as this cafà ©. I would concur with an idea of replicating what Levendary cafà © does in U.S to that it continues pursuing it at Pudong and Beijing embassy because the target market in both locations are American citizens. Foster should introduce a sound strategic plan that outlines comprehensive ways of making profits and risk minimization. A management team needs restructuring by creating a title like the one of the risk manager to evaluate market trends and possible risk related to foreign policies. China has a rapid population thus Foster need strategies that exploit all opportunities to tap a larger market. To minimize management overhead, Foster should consider outsourcing of human resources and introduce comprehensive training to her management team to match the competitors in a new market. Headquarters should comprise all functional organs of the business. Levendary should build their store instead of renting a space for their goods and services. All services of the cafà ©, therefore, should be available at the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

E cmmerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

E cmmerce - Essay Example Infrastructure include providing multiple ways and effective communication network sites, and provision of different ways of protecting and verifying the authenticity of sites among other factors. For example, ‘Individuals’ provide broadband connectivity for internet connections at affordable prices, to increase the proportion of Internet users hence an e-commerce boom. ‘Institutions and governments’ to provide digital certificates and secure infrastructure for information exchange, hence user confidence and adoption of electronic commerce. Electronic commerce is not confined to "buy and sell" via the Internet. It may have profitability goals and different models for selling and buying. However, if there remains partial payment, availability, and ease of use by the owner of the site and the consumer, this would be a catalyst for emergence of a very prosperous e-commerce project. An access to sophisticated system addresses based on the numbering of each facility should be available. A specific home address ensures that delivery is made to the specific address. Physical address system exists in many developed countries, but lacks in many Arab countries, for example Saudi Arabia, which still relies on landmarks in order for a driver reach your home. Finally, Saudi Arabia needs these three aspects to promote e-commerce, although it still lacks a physical address system. Until now, there are a number of attempts by small medium enterprises and entrepreneurs to address this problem. Delivery is a determinant factor in the progression of e commerce in Saudi Arabia. This is because delivery enhances the flow of goods to various destinations in conjunction with the online business directives. The delivery helps in a dancing the obligation pertaining t the business transactions. Delivery of goods forms part of these contractual obligations. According to Buchele (2008,p.71), the delivery factor enables the

CMR Enterprise-Blackstone Partnership Case Study

CMR Enterprise-Blackstone Partnership - Case Study Example CMR’s decision to partner with Blackstone was a good call. According to the Harvard Business School Journal, the move was a strategic one as it provided the two organizations with an opportunity to grow in business. Besides, Blackstone had established and cut a niche for itself in the residential and home buyer market. The group was fronted for by various homebuyers for providing quality for the lowest price in the market.CMR, on the other hand, had established itself in the millwork industry, especially in the commercial business. CMR was looking forward to a business partner that would advance its prospects in the residential market. Blackstone was looking for a subcontractor who would meet its demand and would permit homeowners to make selections only from its partner subcontractors.The symbiotic relationship would allow both to provide favorable conditions to increase their individual revenues. According to the article, Blackstone had an upper hand in the residential marke t, having produced year revenue of $400,000.In 1998, from the detailed report on profitability, especially the profitability of the Blackstone Homes jobs; CMR noted that they had indirect cost. One sales person, two project managers and one shop coordinator. The expenditure was $200,000. According to the Harvard Business School article on the CMR Enterprises, Blackstone Homes made a profit of $200,000 in the residential business. This was a good profit margin according to previous sales that they had while they used the Mike Cabinet's name.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

E cmmerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

E cmmerce - Essay Example Infrastructure include providing multiple ways and effective communication network sites, and provision of different ways of protecting and verifying the authenticity of sites among other factors. For example, ‘Individuals’ provide broadband connectivity for internet connections at affordable prices, to increase the proportion of Internet users hence an e-commerce boom. ‘Institutions and governments’ to provide digital certificates and secure infrastructure for information exchange, hence user confidence and adoption of electronic commerce. Electronic commerce is not confined to "buy and sell" via the Internet. It may have profitability goals and different models for selling and buying. However, if there remains partial payment, availability, and ease of use by the owner of the site and the consumer, this would be a catalyst for emergence of a very prosperous e-commerce project. An access to sophisticated system addresses based on the numbering of each facility should be available. A specific home address ensures that delivery is made to the specific address. Physical address system exists in many developed countries, but lacks in many Arab countries, for example Saudi Arabia, which still relies on landmarks in order for a driver reach your home. Finally, Saudi Arabia needs these three aspects to promote e-commerce, although it still lacks a physical address system. Until now, there are a number of attempts by small medium enterprises and entrepreneurs to address this problem. Delivery is a determinant factor in the progression of e commerce in Saudi Arabia. This is because delivery enhances the flow of goods to various destinations in conjunction with the online business directives. The delivery helps in a dancing the obligation pertaining t the business transactions. Delivery of goods forms part of these contractual obligations. According to Buchele (2008,p.71), the delivery factor enables the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Development - Essay Example When I was ten years old, I would destroy my toys in order to get wires out of them, then join them together, connect them via bulbs and small machines to the circuit to see what happened. I have been sponsored by the Qatar Petroleum Company. I will be henceforth working with them. they have sponsored me because I fared well in most of my high school grades. I was one of the top graders in my school. This gave my application an edge over the applications of my peers. I was one of the top 3 students of my high school. At the creative level, I am very good on creativity. For instance when I was young, I exercised my creativity by connecting a battery to the correct direction. Then I realized that the small machine is only connected to the circuit in a certain way. When I would change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine would spin in the other direction.  . And when I change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine spins in the other direction. I am also c o-operative and I like teamwork. I joined the school mathematics team in the high school and competed in different competitions like the mathematics Olympics which were held in my school and we won most of them. I also joined the school football team in the high school. I am interested in football, poetry, swimming and surfing the internet in my spare time. My parents trusted me when I was fourteen to look after my young brothers and to take care of them for six months I will join different sports such as football and swimming teams. And I will also join clubs and I will participate in different activities. SELF-ASSESSMENT And Motivation factor: The Portfolio I am presenting exhibits hours of self-assessment and reports. The purpose of this portfolio is to emphasize my strengths, skills and competencies. I am a committed, hardworking individual who is able to work effectively in a team; in addition I have strong communication skills and confidence. I can also demonstrate advanced pr oblem solving skills that will help me a lot in financial advising, my drive and ambition ensure I will be a valuable addition in any company. I like to take the approach that I am my own company. I think I am proud of my skills and my ability to counteract any negatives by offering a solution in difficult situations. This means turning those negatives into positives. My time management skills and other skills like, Communications (listening, reading, speaking and writing), Mathematics and Analytical Ability, Career Exploration, Teamwork/Leadership is excellent and I am organized and efficient. I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I am a learner and I belief that if I am not familiar with something I am always keen to learn and implement it if given an opportunity. I am always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I am in. I enjoy traveling to explore different working culture with new staff with different background, and I am always ready to face new kind of situation. I am always to keen to learn about different things and adventures. I want to excel to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer. Not only I want to mature with contact to the intricacies of business and cultural management tasks, but I also intend to contribute significantly in increasing the landscape of my organization. MY GOALS, Work Philosophy and My SWOT: Goal setting is important for everyone to reach their Dreams

Monday, October 14, 2019

The stories of Lawrence and Greene Essay Example for Free

The stories of Lawrence and Greene Essay The two stories written by David Herbert Richards Lawrence (1885 –1930) and Henry Graham Greene (1904 –1991) show that wisdom may not be always manifested by the older people. This was evident in the unexpected circumstances that came along with the stories. Sometimes it is possible that younger people can show values that reminds the older people and taught lesson as well. Then again, older people should be applying good values in normal and practical circumstances because they supposed to be the authorities that must bear the goodness. Discussions Overview The discussions are divided into four parts that are imparted by the stories of Lawrence and Greene, such as the following: (1) Compare and contrast the basic components of the two stories, relating the questions [who, what, when, where, and why] that includes the qualities of the main characters, the conflicts and climactic moments that have risen in the course of the story, and how the two stories were finally concluded. (2) Analyze the themes of the two stories that depicted the triumph of the younger ones over the older characters. (3) Answer the question on how exactly the younger ones operate their own pace and almost with autonomy. (4) Examine the styles and purposes of the two authors in writing their respective short stories as well how the two stories end up showing the concept that wisdom may not be always monopolized by the older generations. Comparison and contrast In ‘The Destructors’ which was written by Henry Graham Greene in 1954 and presently republished by Geocities. Com web site, the readers were introduced to the main characters of a hooligan group of Wormsley Common Gang which is based in London. Their core members were Trevor (known as T), Mike, Blackie, Joe, and Summer. Their motivation or mission is to basically wreak havoc in the areas within their reach so that they can control and get famous. This group do not do show any emotion yet very objective with the ways they carried out business or disasters which they feel nothing personal. On the other hand, ‘The Rocking White Horse Winner’ which was written by David Herbert Richards Lawrence and first published in 1926 by Harpers Bazaar Publishing has depicted that everything has to do with the personal and subjective side of the main characters, such as Paul, his mother, and his uncle. The least subjective or â€Å"personal† character that can be found was ‘Bassette’ as their handyman and garden caretaker. In the story, Paul had to carry out his betting operations out of a personal motivation of bringing in money for his family. He felt that all he was doing to win was to gain luck. This luck is for money which he believes to making his family happy. Analysis on the themes The two stories were set in London with different era. The Destructors could have been intently set to depict the decades of 1980s until 2000s. This may be gathered from the way the characters and the author told their stories and lines. However, The Rocking Horse Winner may have been set within the decades of early 1950s until 1960s because of the way the languages were spoken and how the lines were carried out. Most of the conflicts raised on both stories have something to do with the grown-ups who reasoned out to impose their own ways and being unreasonable authorities over the youngsters. Youngsters pace and autonomy There was a time in The Destructors when â€Å"Old Misery† was imposing his rules to the gang; that they could not just go around and play within his property’s premises without his permission. This was a reasonable rule given by Old Misery, and he was quite entertaining to the kids, particularly to â€Å"T† because he showed the kid around his house. Then again, the anger here was the objective mission of the group—they did not care whether they liked the old man or not, whether the rules were unreasonable or not, because they were doing this, unnecessarily out of fun, but for the mission that they wanted to get famous and become a notorious gang (Greene 3-5). Furthermore, with ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’, Paul’s mother insisted he must not be thinking anymore about the nonsensical nature of the races. This was their conflict. It seemed that the reasons of his mother’s authority imposition were reasonable as well. The child will get worse and sicker because of the madness he has been thinking of in his innocent but receptive mind (Lawrence 6-10). Still, this did not stop Paul from betting for the last horserace winner he identified because it was for the very reason that he cared for his mother’s contentment that they would no longer need ‘more money. ’ These two conflicts have led to the climax that although both all the young ones were winners and successful in fulfilling their objectives, one was meditated on, while the other won without him fully controlling and recognizing it. The Destructors won because they have deliberately destroyed Old Misery’s house despite interruptions, while Paul won because although he died and was not able to control his thoughts, he still was able to get the money he wanted out of the horserace bet that he did. The characters of the two stories have triumphed over the older characters who were supposed to be the ones teaching a lesson and imposing authority. This was because of the same mistake that the older characters committed, in which they failed to get through the minds of the younger ones, of what they were really thinking at the time. This could have explained why there was so much aggression and motivation carried out by the younger ones in doing what they have done. They were also able to operate their activities in their own pace and almost with autonomy. The adults simply told them â€Å"Don’t do this and not that either,† but did not manage to control their minds into thinking of why they must not be doing what they were doing because they lead to catastrophe. This was why they also did their operations in secret. They dared not tell their superiors of what they were aiming for, giving them further freedom. Without the adults getting through the younger ones, there will be lessons that they ought to re-learn and wisdom has been taught by the younger generations this time. Authors’ styles and purposes Lastly, with the way the authors have written their pieces, both had different styles. Greene wrote in s seemingly investigative, â€Å"operational† manner, while Lawrence preferred to lean on what the characters had to say in each situation, that each person’s emotions and facial expressions are imagined by the readers. While Lawrence wrote his piece in a way that readers will be more sensitive and reflective of life’s lessons, Greene wrote his piece in an almost satirical way, especially on the part when the driver could not help but find the unfortunate incident of Mr. Thomas, in which it was quite funny. Conclusion In conclusion, the main points showed that wisdom does not matter age because of times that it may not be usually and obviously manifested by older people. There are instances when the older generation must also learn from the younger ones. Works Cited Lawrence, D. F. â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner. 1926. Harpers Bazaar. 30 June 2009 http://www. dowse. com/fiction/Lawrence. html Greene, H. G. â€Å"The Destructors†. 1954. Geocities. Com. 30 June 2009 http://www. geocities. com/borderline_ps2/00000098c8132df01. html

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Proactive Policing Essay -- Police Essays Papers

Proactive Policing Community Orientated Policing is widely held as the new and correct style for American policing. For the past decade the community policing movement has been gaining momentum acquiring the support of politicians, scholars, reformers, and the public. Police chiefs around the country are now feeling the pressures of implementation from citizens and local government officials. Many high ranking professional police organization have placed their seal of approval on the new style of policing, including the Police Executive Research forum, the Police Foundation, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, The National Organization Of Black Law Enforcement Executives, And the National Sheriff’s Association. The following U.S. presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush, And Ronald Reagan have all supported community policing, and with the recent passage of the 1994 Crime Act, community policing has received the approval and go ahead from the Federal government (Maguire p368). Due to the involvement of the federal government many American police departments are reporting that they already have or are attempting to implement a community policing program, eventhough a large number of them do not fully understand the implication and obstacles they face with the implementation of the program. Most of the agencies are just inquiring due to the funding. Most of the police organizations applying for the grants do not fully understand the new style, and either intentionally or unintentionally misuse the funds. Community orientated policing is a proactive philosophy that promotes solving problems that are either criminal, affect the quality of life, or increase citizens fear of crime. It involves identifying, analyzing and addressing community problems at their source. Unfortunately, many individuals, both in and outside of policing see community policing as merely putting officers on foot or bike patrol, or by opening mini-stations amongst the community. These approach es misrepresent the true potential of community policing and establish simplistic expectations. (Glensor p14). These simplistic goals, unfortunately, do not allow for the implementer to ready him or herself to be ready for the obstacles they face with the implementation of the program. Vague descriptions of the obstacles they may face consist of officers concern of change, community co... ...ementing long term solutions to community problem instead of readministering the bandage day after day. However through the implementation phase obstacles will be encountered and effective methods of establishment must be pre-administered. In all the success of a community policing program depends on the professionalism and determination of those selected officers administering the program. Given time officers involved in the program will find gratitude due to the fact that they will be allowed to exercise independent thoughts and actions in order to solve community problems through cost-effective and innovative ways. Reference list: Glensor, Ronald W., FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Jul 96, vol. 65 Issue 7, p14. Lurgio, Arthur J. and Wesley G. Skogan, Crime and Delinquency, Jul 94, vol. 40 Issue 3, p315. Skogan, Wesley G. and Mary Ann Wycoff, Quality Policing in Madison: An Evaluation of its Implementation and Impact (final technical report). Washington D.C. The Police Foundation. Walters, Paul M., FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Nov 93, vol. 62 Issue 11, p20. Wycoff, Mary Ann, Community Policing Strategies. 1994. Unpublished final report, Washington

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Macbeth: Contrasts of Nature :: Macbeth essays

Macbeth: Contrasts of Nature In the play, Macbeth, Shakespeare uses contrasts of nature in various ways. He consistently shows us that Macbeth and his wife's actions go against nature. The first lines of the play are a condensed version of the unnaturalness of things to come. "In thunder, lightning or in rain?" ( I, i, 2). In nature, thunder, lightening and rain occur together, but Shakespeare's use of the word "or" infers the unnatural occurrence of one without the others. "When battles lost and won" ( I, i, 4), is also not a natural occurrence. Battles are either lost or won. Shakespeare is implying the future opposites of nature in the forthcoming play. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" (I, i, 11), further shows the use of inversions and paradoxs in nature that Shakespeare will use throughout the play. One of the main controversies of nature for the reader is that in spite of Macbeth's evil deeds, we still find him likeable. We see him in the same way that the King does when he welcomes him by saying, "O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman" (I, ii, 24). We perceive him as valiant, because he is afraid of sacrificing his humanity. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantasticle. / Shakes so my single state of man that function / Is smothered in surmise and nothing is / But what is not" (I, iii, 139-41). Macbeth has doubts about the predictions of the witches. He knows that it could be a trick and his misgivings make him seem to be a better person. Another thing that makes Macbeth likeable to the reader is the contrast with his wife. It is clear from her beginning that she is evil. She has reservations about Macbeth not being evil enough. "Yet do I fear thy nature" (I, V, 14). She fears he is too good to do the kind of evil deeds that she is planning. After Macbeth murders the King, he realizes the extent of evil that he has committed, but also realizes that the deed is done and there is nothing that he can do to rectify it. "As they had seen me with these hangman's hands / List'ning their fear. I could not say ‘Amen!' / When they did say ‘God bless us!'" (II, ii, 27-29). The fact that Macbeth is very troubled, and continues his tirade, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / the multitudinous seas incarnadine, / Making the green one red" (II, ii, 59-62), evokes compassion for him from the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Compare the ways in which crime is presented in Moll Flanders and Roxana?

The eponymous titles Roxana and Moll Flanders, are two of a collection of novels written by Daniel Defoe. Coleridge described these novels as one of ‘the few great novels, which we can call indisputably great'1. This ‘greatness' that Coleridge speaks of is displayed through the way Defoe presents crime in these novels. He explores the lives of women in the early 18th century and how crime was often a woman's key to survival. The novels are set and centred in different locations in the world of the 1720's. The geographical settings and mobility of the characters expresses their personal ambition to be known, respected and to have the finer things in life. First and foremost, before looking into the criminal lives Moll Flanders and Roxana both led, their reasons for engaging into crime have to be considered. Moll was born into poverty, and ironically she was ‘born into a jail cell' in Newgate prison. From this it seems as though Moll was born a criminal and a criminal career was destined for her. She is a street educated woman that thrived upon crime to escape the jagged teeth of poverty and also to live a lavish life. On the contrary Roxana is a well-educated and well-bred woman, however her life of crime begins when she is abandoned by her husband, who has also left her with a handful of children to care for. With the encouragement from her accomplice Amy, can it be argued that Roxana turns from a virtuous woman to an immoral whore? Well, firstly Roxana does sleep with numerous men, without marrying them, which was immoral in an 18th century society and Roxana's sexual behaviour may have been labelled as whoring, because she slept with men and receives payments in the form of fine clothes and ornaments and expensive jewellery. However Roxana does fall in love with every man she sleeps with, so she shouldn't be really referred as a whore. For example in the novel, Roxana admits she fell in love with her landlord ‘I grew to love him'; Roxana loves her landlord besides the comfortable lifestyle she lives. Roxana does commit adultery to an extent, her act as been described as a state of ‘innocent adultery'2: their liaison is as respectable as any marriage, supported as it is by affection and respect, and even by legal settlement. In an contemporary society Roxana's act wouldn't be describe as whoring or prostitution, and adultery wouldn't be a crime in the ‘eyes' of the English law. Also whoring or prostitution is based upon a direct exchange of money for sexual pleasure, no emotions, liking, or loving or relationships are supposed to be formed, whereas Roxana falls in love. Defoe sympathizes with woman in these times, as they were powerless in terms of marriage. Women were condemned if they had children, without being married and more to the point women were neglected and not protected by the government. Therefore it can be argued that women were more likely to engage in criminal activities as a way of escaping poverty, and to an extent improve their quality of living. However women were less likely to commit crime as there movements were isolated especially if they were married they were the property of their husbands they were to do domestic duties and had little time to explore the outdoors. However Moll and Roxana do not have these constraints. It could be inferred Defoe aims to make his two protagonists heroic figures as they manage to succeed against the odds, they're renegades that reject the norms and values of society and do not conform with stereotypical female roles, such as domestic duties, instead they distance themselves from the morals of society and beautify their lives by either using men or stealing valuable objects to fulfil their needs. The novels are written in an autobiographical format, where the protagonist gives a chronological sequence of events in their life. This presentation is highly effective; firstly it is continuous throughout both novels, more importantly a contemporary reader can easily engage with the novels as the lives of Roxana and Moll are often presented like a soap opera. In Roxana the protagonist notices her first husband in a dinner party she tries her best to conceal herself. If she were caught she would have faced public humiliation or possibly death- ‘He had just brushed against me, but didn't notice me'. The close encounter causes tension and the word ‘brush' expresses the danger of the situation. Roxana is an adulteress as; she is sexually involved with the Prince of France while still being legally married. In Moll Flanders, Moll steals a lady's gold watch, Moll is almost caught but she is not suspected of taking the watch. These soap opera like episodes create intimacy between the protagonist and the reader and they have a continuing appeal to a contemporary reader, as they cause excitement, tension and suspense, this again may support Coleridge's statement that these novels are ‘indisputably great'. In both novels, ‘Roxana and Moll Flanders look back on their life of sinfulness and opportunism. It is a life that they must both embrace; it is made them who they are'. However Defoe does make his presences felt in the novels where he expresses his own views towards issues such as marriage; Defoe used the term ‘Matrimonial Whoredom'3 to describe women who married men only for financial gain. From this we are given an insight of the character of Defoe through his protagonists. It can be argued that temptation is without a doubt the reason for Moll and Roxana indulging in crime. There temptations are centred on economic needs and a craving for social status. For example Roxana, with Amy's influence prostitutes herself to her landlord. In the novel Amy says to Roxana in one occasion ‘Dear madam says Amy if I will starve for your sake, I will be a whore'. Here the language is persuasive as Amy's use of reverse psychology persuades and makes Roxana feel guilty. Roxana is clearly tempted because if she gives up her chastity she could restore the comfortable life she once lived. Although Roxana eventually gives in, she still appears to have a little self-respect; this is evident where she says ‘A woman ought rather to die, than to prostitute herself' the tone of language is very bold and convincing that it may contradict my initial argument that Roxana is an immoral whore. However Roxana opposes her own statement as she lets temptation get the better of her. On the other hand Moll excuses herself for her crimes: ‘The silver tankard calls out to her'. A silver tankard would be a large drinking vessel made out of what would have been expensive metal, silver. Metaphorically it expresses pleasure and wealth, the ‘silver tankard' is a vivid use of pathetic fallacy, and it is as though the silver tankard is a person that tempted Moll to committing crimes in order to live well. Moll admits she became ‘more confounded with money', which could give an early indication that her love for money would ultimately lead her to her desperation and further temptations to commit crimes. This in fact is what happens to Moll, in one part of the novel she is in the position where she is so desperate, she contemplates killing a child, This is a turning point as Defoe reveals a dark side of Moll , the reader sees Moll in previous encounters as a thief and whore but contemplating murder shocks the modern day reader. Episodes such as this are intriguing and have continuing appeal because not only does Moll reveal a dark side the reader can easily sympathies with the villain rather than the victim, the phrase ‘the dreadful necessity of circumstances is the cause', express this, the word ‘dreadful' is emotive as the reader pity's Moll's well being, The ‘circumstances' Moll speaks of, are due to many factors such as the absences of any parental figures for example, since her mother is a criminal, the reader may not be surprised that Moll takes a criminal path for her career. In sociological terms a poor level of cultural reproduction, could explain why Moll follows her mothers footsteps. Crime is presented with the association of the devil's works. Firstly it has to be considered that crime in the 18th century was often seen either as the work or the influence of the devil, considering at this period people tended to be very superstitious. In Moll Flanders, Moll believes the crimes she commits are caused by the devil- ‘She had enough to work on but the devil sends her out unto the streets'. This use of imagery is effective because Moll personifies the devil as a person who forcefully dragged her onto the street to steal. Moll also refers to herself as a ‘busy devil'. The language used here is unusual as the word busy often refers to hard work or a dedication to work, whereas the word devil contradicts the word busy, as the devil is associated with evil or negative works, which causes an overall effect of irony. In Roxana, Roxana prostitutes Amy to her landlord; after Roxana realizes that what she did was immoral and indeed a sin she says she is the ‘instrument of the devil's works'. This has a continuing appeal because the reader shocked that Roxana, supposedly a woman of virtue forces Amy, her closest friend, and ‘pimps' her to her landlord. It questionable whether Roxana has an ounce of integrity in left her. Although she admits she was the instrument of the ‘devils works' one still has to be amazed at what people will do just to fulfil their own selfish needs. This is similar in Volpone by Ben Jonson, where the character of Corvino forgets all virtue and decided to pimp his own wife. However can it be argued that Moll and Roxana use notion of the ‘devil' as a way to elevate the blame that they feel is already upon them. Also the actual meaning of the devil has to put into consideration. In the period in which Defoe lived, the devil was often described as a hideous creature with horns and jagged teeth. However in the novels Roxana and Moll Flanders, could the devil represent the poverty that eats away in their society, which ultimately leads them to committing crime? Social pressures and personal circumstances is another way crime is presented. Defoe presents his whores as ordinary people who are normal products of their environment, victims of circumstances which anyone might have experienced. For Roxana the absences of her husband, who left her with the responsibility of caring for five children, leaves Roxana in a difficult situation, so whoring herself at first to her landlord seemed to be the only option for survival as she was on the verge of absolute poverty. In the early stages of the novel Amy presents a strong argument to Roxana. Roxana begins by saying to Amy ‘What consent to lye with him for bread? ‘ Amy replies ‘It would not be lawful for anything else but for bread, Madam, why nobody can starve'. The word ‘lawful' is interesting it may suggest that Roxana somehow has the right to sell her own body in order to survive, or maybe Amy is being ironic as prostitition was against the law. Again Amy's persuasive use of language leaves Roxana, completely convinced – ‘If he should give me an estate to live on, he should lye with me. Roxana thinks about the situation logically and rationally and decides to give up her chastity. It is upsetting that for woman in these times their, bodies were almost the only thing they could offer to a man in return for a stable standard of living, so one has to sympathies with Roxana due to the difficult situation she is in. The reader shouldn't look at her negatively especially when individuals such as Amy point out to her ‘why nobody can starve'. However the reader may view Roxana negatively in certain parts of the novel. For example after the brutal death of her lover, her landlord, Roxana attempts to sell the jewels that he had left with her, one has to question her integrity, but it shows the lengths that people would go to maintain the material goods they possess. Although Roxana is an intelligent woman, and arguably she was more than capable to improve her lifestyle by using legal means, Defoe expresses that women were at a disadvantage in terms of earning a decent living; Moll Flanders quotes ‘The market is against our sex'. Here Defoe expresses his feelings through Moll Flanders, as he was interested in women's oppression, as he believed that women were oppressed, especially in marriage. Roxana refuses to marry the Dutch Merchant on various occasions, as she believed women were at a disadvantage as marriage was more of a patriarchal institution. Like Roxana, Moll Flanders is a victim of society and circumstantial issue. Moll was born into poverty. From an early age, Moll is socially aware of her low status but she refers to herself as a ‘Gentlewoman', which expresses her ambitions to have the fine things in life and to be accepted by society. Here it could be argued that Moll wants the desired social status that Roxana also achieves. Moll Flanders, like Rastigmac and Julien Soreal, is a characteristic product of modern individualism in assuming that she owes it to herself to achieve the highest economic and social rewards and in using every available method to carry out her resolve. Even Moll admits that ‘the dreadful necessity of circumstances is cause', referring to the poverty she lives in is the cause of her thieving; Moll says in her defense ‘ give me poverty lest I steal'. In one occasion Moll begins sewing lace for a particular wealthy woman, however Moll is still relatively poor. The rich woman has two brothers that Moll acquaints herself with; she prostitutes herself to two of them. They both spoil her excessively with fine clothes and ornaments, she says in one occasion; ‘He had furnished me very sufficiently with money for extraordinary express of my lying in I had everything'. One may look down upon Moll as a whore, however ones has to consider she is not educated like Roxana and her ambition to be a ‘gentlewoman' is still at large, so it is either she took this opportunity or not, but Moll admits ‘she had enough to live on' however she still has the urge to commit crimes. To Moll's horror she commits another crime, she later finds out that the two brothers she sleeps with are too her own brothers. This has a continuing appeal to a modern day reader because it I hilarious that Moll prostitutes herself to two brothers who actually are her brothers it is a bizarre experience for Moll. It is engaging for a modern day reader, as incest tends to occur when both relations are aware they are related, whereas Moll isn't aware. Moll indulges in crime not just for survival but to have the fine clothes and ornaments. Moll says ‘ I needed to dress well in order to mingle'. Defoe makes it evident in both novels that society was beginning to be more capitalist, so as times changed Roxana and Moll, too had to modernize in order to be respected and accepted by society. Moll's fine clothes and ornaments and Roxana's expensive Turkish dress are symbolise of the pressure in society to live lavishly. However both Roxana and Moll reasons for indulging in crime are not strong sociological arguments, such as we might make today: they don't ask themselves why a certain percentage of the population is destitute, they just want to make sure they are not one of them. However their determination not to be destitute shows their survival instincts. Also Defoe shows the emergence of an individualistic society where people began to develop their own norms and values and tended not to look at traditional institutions such as the church for guidance and rather they'd take matters into their own hands. The relationship between crime and identity has to be explored. For example Moll is a common slang term in these times for a woman of low repute, often the girlfriend of a professional thief, ‘Flanders' was a term to describe women in prostitution. Roaxna Turkish dress reveals her criminal identity as a courtesan. It interesting as their names are clear indications of their true identities and purposes but none of the characters realize this. In Roxana where Roxana leaves her lavish life momentarily, she takes up Quaker dressing. This way of dressing is a drastic change from her lavish gorgeous dresses, which emphasis the change from her high life and erotic encounters to a simple way of living. Roxana and Moll Flanders hide away behind their names and costumes to protect their identity, their hidden identities explain that they are afraid and do not want to face up to who they and they're afraid of how people will react to them like the character Robinson Crusoe. Defoe creates characters similar to how he felt about himself as he even changed his name from Foe to Defoe, which suggests that Defoe feels the struggle and can sympathise with what his protagonists go through.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Shapes of Ice

Shapes of ice do depend on how fast they felt, no doubt about it. Here is what people ask. â€Å"Does the shape of an ice cube affect the rate at which the ice cube will melt?†, and the answer to that question is a definite yes.Have you ever looked at an ice cube and just watched it melt?It is surprisingly very, very interesting. All of us have better things to do besides that, but if you have, you won't regret it. Anyway, the answer to that experiment is yes because it is scientifically proven. Many scientists in the world have wondered this same question, and they all have turned out to get the same answer. When these people finally got their answer, they all have gotten close, if not the exact same answers if they have chosen the shapes to form. Scientists have done this experiment in many ways, such as choosing different shapes to form and melt, choosing the amount of water to freeze, and the temperature of the room they have to melt the cubes.( University of Illinois, 2007). One important thing that is looked at is the scientists' hypotheses. Many scientists' hypotheses are very different, knowing it is an educated guess, but the end result shows they all come up with nearly the same answer, and that is the rectangular ice cube will melt the fastest, no matter how large they make the cube. ( Zimmermann, 2017). The most complicated question behind this experiment is why is it the rectangular shape that melts the fastests. The rate at which the ice cubes melt is also called the fusion rate. Ice melts when a warmer medium, such as air or water comes into contact with the ice surface. Also, in order to know exactly which shape melts the fastest, they need to have the same volume, or the experiment will be pointless. An important thing to know is the greater the surface area, the quicker the ice cube will melt. Other people's experiments have been slightly different than what we have here, but they are known to choose the rectangular shape as one of their shapes the majority of the time. (â€Å"Ice Melting†, 2013). It also states that each scientists went through about the same struggles during the process of the experiment. ( l Zimmermann, 2017.). The most simple struggle was getting the particular shape out of the container without having it break or making it deformed. Because the shapes weren't the normal shape, it is tricky to get it out of the ice cube tray. Many scientist have had a question, and that is the exact opposite of the question people usually deal with. Not how fast they melt, but how fast they freeze. All in all, the rectangular shape, because it is flat and has more surface area than the others, will melt the fastest. If you think and picture in your mind, the larger the surface area is, the more heat will get to it at the same time, and of course heat melts ice. ( David Zimmermann, 2017.) ( â€Å"Shapes of Ice Cubes†, n.d.)

Marketing Creates Customer Needs Essay

Marketing creates customer needs. The following paper will elucidate how consumers are made not born. Marketing entices customers to try new products or do new things that they may never have thought of before. Commercialism is everywhere you turn. From the glossy ads, pop ups on their computer screen, billboards, emails, tweets, radio, television, telemarketers, etc. You can’t get away from advertising wherever you go. The marketers would not be continuing if it was not so successful in getting people to buy more of what they are selling. The following paragraphs will give examples of successful marketing advertisement campaigns and how they were effective. According to Forbes, for advertising to be effective it needs to be: memorable, connect with the consumer by delivering a person meaningful message that tells them how their product would make their life a better place, stand for values beyond the product itself, and be intricately tied to the brand not to be confused with the competitor. (Greewald, 2014). The article gives several examples of successful ad campaigns. First, the Red Bull gives you wings campaign. The ads are inspirational telling consumers if you use our product you will do everything better from studying to doing your job better. It empowers people and gets them to relate to the product. Next, the Beats Dr. Dre advertising campaign. The advertisements tell the consumer that by wearing these headphones you will be able to overcome your critics and be empowered to believe in yourself. They depict athlete Kevin Garnett blocking out his critics and allowing him to focus on positive thoughts and the music he loves. Both advertisements connect with the consumer on a psychological level. They focus on you relating to our needs to do better and finding greatness in ourselves. It is what most of us  tell ourselves every day- don’t listen to the people that are our critics and believe in yourself. Find greatness and believe in yourself sounds more like a motivational s peaker however it works to connect the consumer to the product. According to Forbes both campaigns met all the aspects to be effective. Both these products are not necessary for humans to survive. Both products are considered a want not a need. The advertisers have convinced students far and wide to drink Red Bull because it will help you concentrate more and be successful. We all survived before without these products. They have successfully changed the mindset of consumers who now believe the opposite that they now can’t survive without them. One of the most successful marketing campaigns has been Apples’ I Phones. Hundreds of people stand in line when their newest product becomes available. Everywhere you look people have an I Phone. It is a sign of stature to have the state-of-the- art technology which includes the latest and greatest that Apple has to offer. It has become an item people can’t live without. I lost my I phone for 24 hours and thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. All my personal information, contacts, bank card information is all in the one little phone. I can’t remember any of my important phone numbers anymore because I don’t need to – they are all in the phone. They have made it irreplaceable in our day to day living. This is the ultimate in marketing and sales of a product. I lived 36 years without ever having a cellular phone and survived just fine. Now I see 8 year olds with I phones calling their friends and tweeting! Marketing provides a value to business in that it helps showcase their products and engage consumers in purchasing them. The value to society is that some of these products may make our lives easier and we can benefit from them. In conclusion, I believe that marketing creates a need we didn’t know existed until they showed us their fabulous products. They connect with us, make us believe that what they are offering will improve our lives and are necessary for our existence. I agree that marketers encourage consumers to spend money they do not have on non-essential items. So many Americans have credit card debt. The average American household has nearly $7000 of credit card debt as of December 2013. (Credit Card Debt Statistics, 2013). We continue to spend money on things we don’t really need with money we don’t have. It is a vicious cycle for many Americans that leave them broke and in some instances homeless. References: Credit Card Debt Statistics. (2013). Credit Card Debt Statistics. Greewald, M. (2014, July 10). Secrets of 7 of the Most Effective Ad Campaigns.