Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Relationship Between Pornography and the American Culture

An analysis of the relationship between pornography and the American culture reveals that the industry is blamed for dozens of social ills for the men of our society. Those ills also work to damage the women in several irreparable ways. Some of the damages to men include: illegal sexual behavior, illegal non-sexual behavior, callousness, sexual harassment, casual sex, and multiple sexual partners. The problems for the women directly involved in the industry are long term and long lasting, creating overall issues that affect women’s economic and social status. But what are there damages caused by the type of movies most women love, the type of movies they drag their boyfriends and husbands to, the type of movies millions watch unashamedly†¦show more content†¦A content analysis of two other highly consumer-rated films revealed an emphasis on several themes including fate, destiny, love at first sight, and the idea that people will only be happy when they find the one, perfect mate who was made for them. For this research paper, I reviewed two mainstream romantic comedies. The first was Something’s Gotta Give (2003) and the second was Playing For Keeps (2012). In each of these movies, the main male and female characters strived throughout the movie to find their one and only true love. Overall, the former is a much better movie than the latter. Something’s Gotta Give featured a nearly over-the-hill life-long bachelor who had habitually dated women younger than 30 years old. In fact, it is one 20-something who brings Harry, the main male character played by Jack Nicholson, to her mother’s house for a fun weekend for just the two of them. However, Harry and his young girlfriend fatefully discover that her mother is also staying at the home over the weekend. During the early portion of the stay, Harry has a heart attack and his girlfriend’s mother, Erica, saves him by hastily performing CPR and directing her daughter to call an ambulance. Unknown to Harry and Erica, this act consummated their relationship and aligned their destinies toward an eventual happy ending. The movie contained several twists and turns along the way aimed at demonstrating to the audience and the characters that no matter whatShow MoreRelatedPornography Is The Problem Of Pornography907 Words   |  4 Pages Pornography is essentially the â€Å"crack cocaine† of the internet. Specifically, society should bring awareness to the various mental disorders pornography can create. 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